Innovation et recherche
Articles scientifiques
2024 - Improving knowledge of the acoustic factors involved in railway noise annoyance: first results of a pilot field survey of sixty-two local residents, M. Sineau, M. Hellot, R. Maffeis, F. Mietlicki, L. Motio, S. Cherfan, J. Bassinot, AS Evrard, JP Regairaz, C. Rosin, Internoise 2024, Nantes, France
2024 - Participative pilot study at the vicinity of airports for the construction of a noise point counter integrating instantaneous annoyance at overflight, F. Mietlicki, C. Metlicki, M. Sineau, M. Hellot, Internoise 2024, Nantes, France
2024 - Mapping the health impacts of transport noise in the densely populated area of the Ãle-de-France region, F. Mietlicki, V. Decourt, P. Jamard, Internoise 2024, Nantes, France
2024 - Evaluating Young people's listening practices: a public health issue, V. Rozec, A. Perez-Munoz, C. Bedhouche, Internoise 2024, Nantes, France
2024 - Developing a combined mapping representation of air and noise pollutions, P. Jamard, F. Mietlicki, V. Decourt, F. Joly, F. Abdoussi, Internoise 2024, Nantes, France
2023 - Cost benefit analysis of using low noise pavements in urban areas, C. Ribeiro, F. Mietlicki, D. Bernfeld, Forum Acousticum 2023, Turin
2023 - Improve knowledge of acoustic factors involved in railway noise annoyance, M. Sineau, F. Mietlicki, D. Bernfeld, S. Cherfan, L. Motio-Betato, M. Hellot, A-S. Evrard, J-P. Regairaz, C. Rosin, Forum Acousticum 2023, Turin
2023 - Acoustic diagnosis of the noise of nighttime recreational activities in Paris, C. Revol, F. Mietlicki, Forum Acousticum 2023, Turin
2022 - Association entre l'exposition au bruit et le risque de maladies cardio-métaboliques, HOUETO A, FAURE E, GODET K, GELOT A, CORREIA E, QUENEZ M, GISSINGER V, DOMERGUE C, JANILLON V, VINCENT B, JAMARD P, PEREZ MUNOZ A, MIETLICKI F, ATAUD F, MOHAMED F, GIORGIS-ALLEMAND L, HARRIS H, MARCEL S, EVRARD AS, SEVERI G, CFA 2022, Marseille
2022 - Projet LIFE Cool &Low Noise Asphalt : suivi des performances acoustiques de revêtements de chaussée peu bruyants dans le centre ville de Paris, SINEAU M, RIBEIRO C, MIETLICKI F, LEFEBVRE J, CUSTODI G, CFA 2022, Marseille
2022 - Coût social du bruit en France et déclinaison du chiffrage pour la région Île-de-France, MIETLICKI F, THIBIER E, CFA 2022, Marseille
2022 - Enquête pilote sur la gêne due au bruit ferroviaire, SINEAU M, MIETLICKI F, HOUNDONOUGBO C, CFA 2022, Marseille
2022 - Ãvaluer lâimpact dâinstallations sonores sur la perception du paysage sonore urbain : cas dâétude dâune place publique parisienne, FRAISSE V, NICOLAS E, SCHUTZ N, RIBEIRO C, MISDARIIS, CFA 2022, Marseille
2022 - LIFE project Cool & Low Noise Asphalt: monitoring the acoustic performance of low noise pavements in the city center of Paris, BERNFELD D, RIbEIRO C, MIETLICKI F, LEFEBVRE J, CUSTODI G, Inter noise 2022, Glasgow
2022 - Hydra: a noise radar to automatically track down excessively noisy vehicles in real traffic conditions, MIETLICKI C, MIETLICKI F, BERNFELD D, Inter noise 2022, Glasgow
2022 - Observatoire du bruit ferroviaire en Île-de-France - Un outil de suivi de l'évolution du bruit dans le temps à partir d'une analyse fine des mesures acoustiques, ROSIN C, SINEAU M, REGAIRAZ JP, CORDOLIANI T, CFA 2022, Marseille
2022 - Regulation of nightlife noise in Paris: the contribution of innovative monitoring and perspectives, REVOL C, BERNFELD D, MIETLICKI F, Inter noise 2022, Glasgow
2022 - Quantification of the social cost of noise in France and application of the methodology to the Ile-de-France region, MIETLICKI F, BERNFELD D, THIBIER E, Inter noise 2022, Glasgow
2021 - A high density network of low cost acustic sensors based on wired and airborne transmission of spectral data: general overview. ARDOUIN J., BARON JC, CHARPENTIER L., ECOTIERE D., FORTIN N., GONTIER F., GUILLAUME G., LAGRANGE M., LIBOUBAN G., PICAUT J., RIBEIRO C., Euronoise 2021, Funchal, Portugal
2021 - CENSE Project: general overview. CAN A., PICAUT J., ARDOUIN J. CREPEAUX P. BOCHER E., ECOTIERE D., LAGRANGE M., LAVANDIER C., MALLET V., MIETLICKI C., PABOEUF M., Euronoise 2021, Funchal, Portugal
2021 - LIFE project Cool & Low Noise Asphalt: Monitoring the acoustic performance of low noise pavements, RIBEIRO C, MARTINI J, LEFEBVRE J, CUSTODI G, MIETLICKI F, Euronoise 2021, Funchal, Portugal
2020 - Evrard AS, Lefèvre M, Baudin C, Carlier MC, Champelovier P, Giorgis-Allemand L, et al. Effets de lexposition au bruit des avions sur la santé : résultats, à linclusion, de létude Debats. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 2020;(28)
2020 - Health impact of transport noise in the densely populated zone of Ile-de-France Region, RIBEIRO C, MIETLICKI F, JAMARD P, PEREZ MUNOZ A, Forum Acusticum, Lyon, France
2020 - Monitoring the acoustic performance of low-noise pavements, RIBEIRO C, LEFEBVRE J, IBTATEN K, MIETLICKI F, SINEAU M, Forum Acusticum, Lyon, France
2020 - Evrard AS, Lefèvre M, Baudin C, Nassur AM, Bouaoun L., Bruitparif, Carlier MC, Champelovier P, Giorgis-Allemand L, Kourieh A. Lambert J. Léger D., Laumon B. Bruit des avions et santé des riverains d'aéroport. L'étude nationale Debats. Résultats à l'inclusion.
2019 - Effects of Aircraft Noise exposure on Heart Rate during Sleep in the Population Living Near Airports - Nassur AM, Léger D, Lefèvre M, Elbaz M, Mietlicki F, NGuyen P, Ribeiro C, Sineau M, Laumon B, Evrard AS., Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 269; doi/10.3390/ijerph16020269
2019 - Health impact of noise in Greater Paris Metropolis: assessment of healthy life years lost, RIBEIRO C, MIETLICKI F, JAMARD P, Internoise 2019, Madrid
2019 - Nassur AM, Léger D, Lefèvre M, Elbaz M, Mietlicki F, NGuyen P, Ribeiro C, Sineau M, Laumon B, Evrard AS. The impact of aircraft noise exposure on objective parameters of sleep quality: Results of the DEBATS study in France. Sleep Medicine 2019; 54 : 70-77. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2018.10.01
2019 - Medusa, a new approach for noise management and control in urban environment, NAVE L, MIETLICKI F, Internoise 2019, Madrid
2018 - Medusa, a new approach for noise management and control in urban environment, MIETLICKI C, MIETLICKI F, Euronoise 2018, Crete
2018 - Monitoring the acoustic performance of low-noise pavements, RIBEIRO C, MIETLICKI F, SINEAU M, LEFEBVRE J, IBTATEN K, Euronoise 2018, Crete
2018 - Suivi des performances acoustiques de revêtements de chaussées peu bruyants, RIBEIRO C, LEFEBVRE J, IBTATEN K, MIETLICKI F, SINEAU M, CFA 2018, Le Havre
2018 - Evolution of the soundscape following the traffic closure on the right bank of the Seine in Paris, MIETLICKI F, SINEAU M, Euronoise 2018, Crete
2018 - Evolution de l'environnement sonore suite à la fermeture à la circulation de la voie sur berge rive droite à Paris, SINEAU M, MIETLICKI F, MONTAGNON T, CFA 2018, Le Havre
2016 - Impact sanitaire du bruit des transports dans l'agglomération parisienne, F. MIETLICKI, C. RIBEIRO, S. HOST, CFA VISHNO 2016, Le Mans
2016 - Plateforme de diffusion des données du réseau Rumeur, F. MIETLICKI, C. MIETLICKI, CFA VISHNO 2016, Le Mans
2015 - Le bruit et ses effets sur la santé, estimation de lexposition des Franciliens et de ses impacts sanitaires, MIETLICKI F., colloque ARET
2015 - New tools to inform the public about noise in cities, MIETLICKI F, MIETLICKI C, RIBEIRO C, GAUDIBERT P, VINCENT B, GISSINGER V, Euronoise 2015, Maastricht
2014 - Au coeur du projet Harmonica l'indicateur de bruit adimensionnel, RIBEIRO C., ANSELME C., MIETLICKI F., VINCENT B., DA SILVA R., GAUDIBERT P., CFA 2014 Poitiers
2014 - Influence of loudness of noise events on perceived sound quality ..., P DELAITRE, C LAVANDIER, C RIBEIRO, M QUOY, E D'HONDT, E GONZALEZ BOIX, K KAMBONA, Internoise 2014, Melbourne
2014 - Lindice Harmonica, un indice innovant et parlant, MIETLICKI F., Assises nationales de la qualité de l'environnement, Lyon
2014 - The HARMONICA project, new tools to assess noise and better inform the public, MIETLICKI C, MIETLICKI F, RIBEIRO C, GAUDIBERT P, VINCENT B, Forum Acusticum, Krakow, Poland
2013 - At the heart of Harmonica project the Common Noise Index, RIBEIRO C., ANSELME C. MIETLICKI F., VINCENT B., DA SILVA R., 6a Giornata di Studio sull'Acoustica Ambientale, Genova
2013 - At the heart of Harmonica project the Common Noise Index, RIBEIRO C., ANSELME C., MIETLICKI F., VINCENT B., DA SILVA R., GAUDIBERT P., Congrès Inter Noise 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche
2013 - Designing tools to support noise action planning on a large scale, ECHANIZ L., MIETLICKI F., COMMENT M., Congrès Inter Noise 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche
2013 - Environmental pollution exposure and social deprivation around airports, PELLETIER A, RIBEIRO C, MIETLICKI F, DUGAY F, KAUFFMANN A, LALLOUE B, ISNARD H, GIRARD D, Internoise Innsbruck
2013 - Experiment of low noise road surfaces on the Paris ring-road, MIETLICKI F., RIBEIRO C., SINEAU M., Congrès Inter Noise 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche
2013 - HARMONICA project, MIETLICKI F., GAUDIBERT P., VINCENT B., AIA-DAGA Conference on Acoustics, Merano Italy
2013 - Health impact of noise in the Paris agglomeration, MIETLICKI F., HOST S., KIM R., DA SILVA R., RIBEIRO C., CHATIGNOUX E., Congrès Inter Noise 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche
2013 - How to characterize environmental noise closer to people's expectations. B. Vincent, V. Gissinger, J. Vallet, F. Mietlicki, P. Champelovier, S. Carra, Congrès Inter Noise 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche
2013 - New method for helicopter noise mapping, DA SILVA R., RIBEIRO C., MIETLICKI F., FAVAREL E., CROZAT A., Congrès Inter Noise 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche
2013 - Noise generated by late-night establishments: a new monitoring and management tool DA SILVA R., MIETLICKI F., SINEAU M, Congrès Inter Noise 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche
2013 - Noise generated by the Paris ring-road state of knowledge and issues, MIETLICKI F., RIBEIRO C., SINEAU M., Congrès Inter Noise 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche
2013 - Results from the pilot study of the DEBATS program, AS EVRARD, C RIBEIRO, I KHATI, P CHAMPELOVIER, M ELBAZ, J LAMBERT, D LEGER, F MIETLICKI, M SINEAU, Internoise 2013, Innsbruck
2012 - HARMONICA project, MIETLICKI F., GAUDIBERT P., VINCENT B., Congrès Inter Noise 2012, New York, Etats-Unis
2012 - Implemented comprehensive approach for the identification of quiet areas in Paris, DUGUET P., MIETLICKI F., DA SILVA R., RIBEIRO C., GAUCHER E., Congrès Inter Noise 2012, New York
2010 - Influence de la présence deau dans une protection anti-pluie sur la réponse fréquentielle..., C. RIBEIRO, P. CELLARD, D. ECOTIERE, C. ANDRE, B. BARBO, Acoustiques et Techniques n°60
2010 - Influence de la présence deau dans une protection anti-pluie sur la réponse fréquentielle..., C. RIBEIRO, P. CELLARD, D. ECOTIERE, C. ANDRE, B. BARBO, 10eme CFA, Lyon
2010 - Optimization of the acoustic measurement duration in urban environment, L. BROCOLINI, C. LAVANDIER, M. QUOY, C. RIBEIRO, Internoise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
2009 - Discrimination of urban soundscapes through Kohonen map, L. BROCOLINI, C. LAVANDIER, M. QUOY, C. RIBEIRO, Euronoise 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland